
Image of health care workers talking in a hallway


This training is designed to teach individuals how to effectively manage and de-escalate crisis situations without resorting to violence. It is commonly used in various settings such as schools, healthcare facilities, and other organizations where individuals may encounter potentially volatile situations.

At DDC, we offer the NCI training and this covers topics such as understanding behavior, verbal and nonverbal de-escalation techniques, personal safety strategies, and strategies for post-crisis response and support.

Participants in the training learn how to recognize and respond to early warning signs of escalating behavior, communicate effectively, and use nonviolent intervention techniques to defuse tension and promote a calmer environment.

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Image of a group practicing CPR with a dummy

First aid and cpr

First Aid and CPR are mandatory for all healthcare professionals in the workplace. This is why we teach people First Aid & CPR in easy-to-follow steps, empowering them to act on, prevent, and manage life’s emergencies.

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Caring for people with Dementia.

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